Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Haines Port Development Council Summit

Use links to see Congressional Delegation Messages to the Summit , , ,

Haines Port Development Council
Summit Preliminary Report
We are over whelmed with the success of the Summit. Many thanks to all who participated. We gathered at the Captain’s Choice Motel where most of our out of town guests were staying. Just after 3pm we boarded the bus and toured ALL the Haines Port facilities. Several of our guests had no idea that there was more to our port than the Lutak Dock.
We rode out on the Lutak Dock property got out of the bus to look it over. Borough manager Mark Ernest gave a short talk about the Lutak Dock features, harbor master Phil Benner gave some details also. The Al Shafer property was pointed out just west of the Lutak Dock. We then boarded the bus and went to the Chilkoot Lumber property. Larry Beck pointed out many of the property features including the ore terminal foundation and floor. Our guests seemed surprised at the size and features of the property. We then rode out to Chilkoot Lake so our guests could see some of our beautiful community.
We then rode back to the motel. There was constant conversations about our port and it’s opportunities.
At the motel we used the lounge to compare notes as we waited for time to go to supper. Most chose to go to the American Legion for their hamburger feed. Mark Ernest and Darsie Culbeck invited several of our guests to go to dinner with them as guests of the Haines Borough at the Klondike restaurant.
The hamburger feed ran a bit late but was good. We got the Summit started a bit after 7pm. Council board member Dave Berry started the Summit by having the congressional delegation video’s shown. The internet connection failed before we could show the letter from Senator Lisa Murkowski. Randall Ruaro called in from governor Parnell’s office and gave his words of encouragement, he was able to stay on line to listen to the rest of the Summit. With Dave Nanny’s help Assembly member Debra Schnabel gave the Haines Borough presentation.
Then we got into the meat of the Summit by having each of our out of town guests introduce them selves, explain who they represent and what we can do together to use the port. The we moved to our local guests to do the same. That brought us to the interesting part where there was great interaction, questions & answers between the participants. Then it was opened up to the public, there were several questions and comments. The Summit was closed a bit after 9pm. People gathered in little groups of mutual interest. Some stayed till almost 11pm.
Friday morning several of us went on the bus ride out to the port again to look at things that had been discussed at the Summit to get a better understanding.
A little before noon our guests who were able to stay went to the American Bald Eagle Foundation for the Haines Chamber of Commerce luncheon. There our guests were able to meet and interact with many of the Haines business community. All seemed interested in how the port could help the Haines economy. During lunch we did the same format as the Summit and had our guests introduce themselves and talk about what they do. There were a few questions and answers.
Judging by the many thanks we council members got it was an overwhelming success. We want to thank all who came and made it a success. We are very grateful to the American Legion, Chamber of Commerce and American Bald Eagle Foundation.

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