Sunday, April 22, 2012

Borough Assembly Elected by Precinct

The precinct is the smallest political unit in the country; each precinct elects one assembly member. A precinct is where elections are won or lost. Most importantly, it is your neighborhood. You know the people, the schools, and the community centers. You have your hands on the pulse of the precinct. You understand the assets and needs of your neighborhood and have a desire to improve it.
The precinct assembly person organizes their precinct and educates voters about important issues. Haines with about 2,300 residents would have about 383 people in each precinct. We have a representative form of government and elections by precinct is the most representative.
Some would like to change to what they call the “ Slate “ elections where if there are say 2 assembly seats available then with how ever many people run the top two vote getters would get the seats. Though unlikely you could end up with 6 next door neighbors as the assembly. Point is many areas of the borough could be left out. That method is easier for the government but not the residents.
Thank you;
Bill Kurz

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