Saturday, February 25, 2012

Electric Power in Haines

As an observer at the LCC Connelly Lake hydro project meeting Thursday evening. It quickly became obvious that it’s simply not cost effective to build that project. It also became obvious that Schubee Lake would be way to expensive.
  Very rough estimate for Connelly Lake is, $34 - 40 million. That’s for some place between 5 and 6MW of power.
  Schubee Lake depending on how it’s done, someplace over $44 million. That is simply outrageous. At best these would be 8 years before they produce electric.
  As I said at the Connelly Lake meeting I fully support hydro but these are to expensive. I have advertisements for (liquid natural gas) LNG power plants; New 14,3MW $5,9 million, used 5.2MW $1.5 million. Cost per MW is much less and can be on line in much less time.
  The Kitimat, BC. LNG plant is due to be on line by the end of 2014 so getting gas will be little over half way to Seattle. Some of that gas will come to Haines anyway to supply mines in Yukon. According to Fred Grey at the last Port Development Committee meeting electric power from LNG power costs about 11 cents per KW.
  A power station located at the tank farm property would be close to the cable from Skagway, close to the cables that used to run to Chilkoot Lumber's power house. Also close to Lutak dock for gas supply. LNG is proven, very low emission, reliable, cost effective power.

Thank you;

Bill Kurz

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Our Local Government

Watching and listening to the many borough meetings that I attend and video record it has become obvious the borough government needs to get out of private enterprise.

We have good dedicated people in our government some with good business backgrounds yet when the government in good faith tries to run what should be private business it does not work. It’s the government process it self that makes what should be money makers be money losers. Our local government needs to return to what government is for. That is to provide needed services that the residents can’t provide for them selves. These include; roads, water, sewer, police. There are some very public enterprises that the government can be partners with but not operate. These include; museum and library, electric power. Beyond that what looks like a service becomes a drag on the economy. Private enterprise will pick up and operate other needed services. The government needs to stay out of the way of business.

Thank you;

Bill Kurz

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Senator Lisa Murkowski

Senator Lisa Murkowski will be here in Haines for a "Chilkat Valley Leadership Roundtable” on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 2 pm at the American Bald Eagle Foundation

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Republican District 34 Convention

Republican District 34 Convention
March 6, 2012, 6pm - 7pm
at Captain's Choice Motel Lounge
You must be a registered Republican voter
and pay Convention $20. registration fee.
Refreshments served.
Paid for by Alaska Republican Party District 34
Box 1363 Haines, Ak 99827

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Learn about Cedar Hat Making

Lorraine “Rainy” Kasko will speak
about Tlingit cedar hat weaving in the
Community Room
your library®
Thursday Feb. 23, 7:00
For more information contact
John at 766-2545 or

This project seeks to bring the region’s rich history, cultures and traditions to life through the creation
of an interactive mapping interface. The map will consist of traditional Tlingit place names, history
and media related to the places named. The project also seeks to foster enrichment and understanding
through meetings, forums, and discussions that promote communication and civic dialogue and
through programs that feature the arts as a way of exchange and learning. Join us in the creation
of the Chilkat Valley Storyboard in crossing boundaries through creative communication.

This initiative is cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute

of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation
leadership and lifelong learning.


Republican Presidential Preference Poll

March 6, 2012, 4pm - 8pm at Captain's Choice Motel Lounge.
Come register at the door, Must be a Republican voter to participate.
Paid for by Alaska Republican Party District 34
Box 1363 Haines, Ak 99827

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Invitiation to all Seniors

The Haines Senior Center invites all seniors age 60 and over to lunch, Monday through Thursday, at noon. Transportation is available. Please call 766-2383 for more information.

Contact: 766-2383

Alcohol Task Force

Monday, February 6, 2012

Haines ANS, Camp 5 Bake Sale

Haines ANS, Camp 5

Bake Sale

Saturday, February 11, 2012

12:00 – 6:00 pm

Haines High School

@ Dick Hotch Tournament