We list and describe Haines Happenings. We seek your happenings.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Fredrick Strong
June 20, - December , 2014
Memorial Service
Saturday, January 3rd, 2015
11:00 am
Klukwan ANS Hall
Lunch provided following graveside service
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Funeral Services
Alex VanBibber
Saturday, December 6, 2014 ~ 1:00 pm
Champagne, Yukon
For more information
Diane 867 689-5119; or
Darlene 867 335-1825
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lutak Dock
Public discussion
Haines Port Development Council LLC. Would like to invite you to a public discussion about Lutak Dock. The meeting will be at Chilkat Bakery Thursday December 4, 2014 from 6:30 pm - 8 pm.
Recent PND engineers report shows Lutak Dock is in serious need of repair. We want to find out just how the community feels and to what extent does the community want the dock; repaired, replaced or improved.
We hope for a full cross section of the community. We need input from ALL the local interests.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Rita Brouillette & Frank Hickman’s Baby is due on December 27, 2014
The baby has been diagnosed with a hole in his heart.
Rita must relocate to Seattle for the birth so the baby can be taken into surgery as soon as he’s born.
ANB~ANS is hosting a New Membership dinner and would ask that you bring a pot-luck dish for this most important event: Thank You and Please call ANB President Anastasia Wiley 766-3513 or ANB President Sonny Williams
766-3670 if any questions
Date; Saturday April 19, 2014
Membership Invitation
Place: ANB~ANS Hall
Time: 5:00PM
Dinner Served at 5:15PM
and Showing PBS Documentary: FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL: ENDING JIM CROW IN ALASKA Members of the Alaska Native Sisterhood and Alaska Native Brotherhood extend a cordial invitation for you to join our organization
Please put a poster some place in town or where ever you maybe going thank you