6 p.m
This initiative is cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute
of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation
leadership and lifelong learning.
This project seeks to bring the region’s rich history, cultures and traditions to life
through the creation of an interactive mapping interface. The map will consist
of traditional Tlingit place names, history and media related to the places named.
The project also seeks to foster enrichment and understanding through meetings,
forums, and discussions that promote communication and civic dialogue and
through programs that feature the arts as a way of exchange and learning.
Join us in the creation of the Chilkat Valley Storyboard in crossing boundaries
through creative communication.
Joe Hotch will be presenting in Haines
and Marsha Hotch and John Martin will be
presenting from Juneau
(via video conference)
Join us for a discussion on Tlingit Law