Tuesday, December 18, 2012
When a society teaches violence on TV, video games, and movies what can it expect of it’s people?
Think about it, the most popular TV programs are violence oriented. The most popular video games are violent. The most popular movies are violent.
Adults we hope can tell the difference between right and wrong. I did say “hope”, we know some fall through the cracks.
Children get this violence taught to them early on so what can we expect as a result?
Check the records you will find people have been violent toward each other much longer than there have been guns. The most dangerous weapon on earth is people.
Let’s all work together and return to good values without violence.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Haines Port Development Council
Our marketing / advertising of Haines Port is bringing people and companies with many different interests. We want to keep an open mind to any proposal that is environmentally safe and does not overly disrupt the community.
We recognize any development will not make everyone happy. Development is bound to disrupt some. We also recognize Haines is big enough to embrace most interests. We are not looking for government funding, taxes or grants. Mostly we look to private enterprise. There may be opportunity for government investment ( AIDEA ).
Our effort is to create a sound economy with good paying lifetime jobs. We look for Haines to be a good, clean, healthy place for people to visit, live, raise families, and retire.
Bill Kurz
Haines Port Development Council Board Member
Thursday, November 29, 2012
July 8 – 13, 2013
o Currently be a high school junior or senior
o Participate in an 8 week paid internship and work 35 hours per week
o Be legally authorized to work in the U.S.
o Participate in a week long student leadership summit in Washington DC (all expenses paid)
o Be a student in good standing in school
o Obtain letter of recommendation
For more information: call 1 (800) 218-9946 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1 (800) 218-9946 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Video Contest for teens ages 13 – 18!
Win up to $4,000
We’re looking for creative, innovative concepts that show the importance of sound money management! Let your imagination run free! Visit Alaska Pacific Bank.com for contest information
Check it out at:
For those slower computers; this link is 1.69 MB
Monday, November 12, 2012
Pet pictures with Santa
Saturday, November 17th, 2012
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Senior Center
Proceeds to benefit H.A.R.K.
Come out out and bring your fur family and your regular ones as well. Treats waiting!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wild & Scenic Film Fest
Thursday, November 15th, 2012
Harriet Hall, 5:30 pm
Includes dinner; movies and entry into door prize drawing
Cost: $15 in advance / $18 at the door / $45 for families
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Kilkaat Kwaan
Heritage Center Benefit
Dinner & Auction
November 10, 2012
6:00 pm
Klukwan ANS Hall
Tickets available at the Babbling Book Store on Main
Donations will be used for the JKHC building project
& for cultural activities of the JKHC
Well & Fit Community Challenge Starts Thursday
The Well & Fit Community Challenge is back, starting this week on Thursday, November 1st, at 6;00 p.m. at the Haines School Library. This fall/winter Challenge will be a little different, with two, six-week sessions. The Challenge is open for all men and women ages 18 years and Up, and will promote your own personal goal support in good health and nutrition through activities, guest speakers and discussions. The cost is $35.00 to cover materials and provide goal reaching incentives. Come and join the fun and bring a friend!!
Monday, November 5, 2012
AK Business Monthly (ABM) selected a photo for the cover of the September issue to honor ANB’s 100th anniversary this year. Founded by a dozen men and one woman in 1912, this photo was taken two years later. Eleven founding members are pictured in the article about ANB. ABM’s annual Alaska Native Corporation special section begins on page 66.
“Alaska Native Brotherhood convention at Sitka, Alaska, 1914” The title and description of the cover photo are from a handwritten list (date and writer unknown), identifying people in the Sheldon Jackson College Stratton Library’s photograph of a “1914 ANB CONVENTION AT SITKA,” according to the Alaska State Library.
Front Row (l to r):
James Watson, Juneau;
Frank Mercer, Juneau, but originally from Klukwan;
Herbert Murchison, Metlakatla;
Chester Worthington, Wrangell;
Peter Simpson, Sitka, but originally from Metlakatla;
Paul Liberty, Sitka;
Edward Marsden (Rev.), Metlakatla;
Haines DeWitt, Kake;
Unidentified from this list but other Sheldon Jackson information says Mark Jacobs Sr., Sitka;
Charles Newton, Kake.
Second Row:
John Willard, Sitka;
Woosh-Kee-Nah (Jim Johnson);
Seward Kunz, Juneau;
Stephen Nickles, Sitka;
Donald Austin, Wrangell;
George McKay, Saxman;
Cyrus Peck, Sr., Sitka;
Eli Katinook, Angoon;
Charles Danial, Sitka;
Don Cameron, Sitka;
Ralph Young, Hoonah;
Rudolph Walton, Sitka;
William S. Jackson, Sitka;
Frank D. Price, Sr., Sitka.
Third Row:
James Gordon, Klukwan;
Andrew Hope, Sitka;
George Bartlett, Sitka;
Tommie Williams, Sitka;
John Williams, Sitka;
George Lewis, Sitka;
Sergius Williams, Sitka.
CREDIT: Alaska State Library – Historical Collections.
Look for this magazine at your local book store: $3.95.
Submitted by Mary Lekanof, Haines
1 Attached file| 2.4MB
Friday, October 19, 2012
Tlingit Law @ your library
Thursday, October 25
6 p.m
This initiative is cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute
(via video conference)
Join us for a discussion on Tlingit Law
6 p.m
This initiative is cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute
of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation
leadership and lifelong learning.
This project seeks to bring the region’s rich history, cultures and traditions to life
through the creation of an interactive mapping interface. The map will consist
of traditional Tlingit place names, history and media related to the places named.
The project also seeks to foster enrichment and understanding through meetings,
forums, and discussions that promote communication and civic dialogue and
through programs that feature the arts as a way of exchange and learning.
Join us in the creation of the Chilkat Valley Storyboard in crossing boundaries
through creative communication.
Joe Hotch will be presenting in Haines
and Marsha Hotch and John Martin will be
presenting from Juneau
(via video conference)
Join us for a discussion on Tlingit Law
Thursday, October 18, 2012
2ND & Cox Streets
Dusty Trails Apartments
Now has two and three bedroom apartments open & available for rent
Contact: Jessica at 766-2329
12 – one bedroom units;
16 – two bedroom units; and
4 – three bedroom units
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Salmon in the Trees Alaska Day presentation 5:30 pm at Harriett Hall
Wow! There's lots going on in Haines. Would you circulate tomorrow night's presentation at Harriett Hall: Amy Gulick's Salmon in the Trees: Life in Alaska's Tongass Rain Forest. To see more information on Amy Gulick and her schedule in Haines:
Thank you,
Monday, October 15, 2012
Haines Port Development Council
October 15, 2012
Mayor Stephanie Scott
Haines borough Assembly
Wanted to let you know how pleasantly overwhelmed we are with the great success of our “Summit” September 27. It was wonderful to see and experience the interaction and cooperation between high level Alaska & Yukon government and industry officials. The Summit Started with video’s of support from Senator Mark Begich and Congressman Don Young. There is also a letter of support from Senator Lisa Murkowsi.
The afternoon of the 27th we took the Captain’s Choice Bus full of Summit guests out to the port. Surprisingly many of the out of town guests had no idea how big and how much there is to our port. Having knowledge of the full port had a very positive effect on our guests. Those who had been very skeptical of our port became very positive.
In the evening during the Summit, Haines Borough Manager Mark Ernest commented publicly that he has been meeting with our guests for about two years. That being the case raises concerns as to why our guests did not know about all the port facilities. Till just lately the Northern Economics report about our port and it’s future seemed to be centered on only the borough’s Lutak Dock.
Do take note Haines Port Development Council’s web site has included all the port facilities since day one. In all correspondence with interested parties all the port facilities have been and will be included.
Our port has a wonderful future if we work together. We do have to understand the differences between the publicly owned and operated facilities and those facilities that are privately owned. The borough owned facilities belong to ALL of us and need to be operated in the interest of ALL of us.
Thank you;
Haines Port Development Council Board
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Haines Port Development Council Summit
Use links to see Congressional Delegation Messages to the Summit
http://www.hainesalaskaport.com/HainesPortDevelopmentCouncilSummit2012.pdf ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImMcpPjpKd8&feature=youtu.be ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nADLL4iU5kk ,
http://www.hainesalaskaport.com/HainesPortDevelopmentCouncilSummit2012.pdf ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImMcpPjpKd8&feature=youtu.be ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nADLL4iU5kk ,
Haines Port Development Council
Summit Preliminary Report
We are over whelmed with the success of the Summit. Many thanks to all who participated. We gathered at the Captain’s Choice Motel where most of our out of town guests were staying. Just after 3pm we boarded the bus and toured ALL the Haines Port facilities. Several of our guests had no idea that there was more to our port than the Lutak Dock.
We rode out on the Lutak Dock property got out of the bus to look it over. Borough manager Mark Ernest gave a short talk about the Lutak Dock features, harbor master Phil Benner gave some details also. The Al Shafer property was pointed out just west of the Lutak Dock. We then boarded the bus and went to the Chilkoot Lumber property. Larry Beck pointed out many of the property features including the ore terminal foundation and floor. Our guests seemed surprised at the size and features of the property. We then rode out to Chilkoot Lake so our guests could see some of our beautiful community.
We then rode back to the motel. There was constant conversations about our port and it’s opportunities.
At the motel we used the lounge to compare notes as we waited for time to go to supper. Most chose to go to the American Legion for their hamburger feed. Mark Ernest and Darsie Culbeck invited several of our guests to go to dinner with them as guests of the Haines Borough at the Klondike restaurant.
The hamburger feed ran a bit late but was good. We got the Summit started a bit after 7pm. Council board member Dave Berry started the Summit by having the congressional delegation video’s shown. The internet connection failed before we could show the letter from Senator Lisa Murkowski. Randall Ruaro called in from governor Parnell’s office and gave his words of encouragement, he was able to stay on line to listen to the rest of the Summit. With Dave Nanny’s help Assembly member Debra Schnabel gave the Haines Borough presentation.
Then we got into the meat of the Summit by having each of our out of town guests introduce them selves, explain who they represent and what we can do together to use the port. The we moved to our local guests to do the same. That brought us to the interesting part where there was great interaction, questions & answers between the participants. Then it was opened up to the public, there were several questions and comments. The Summit was closed a bit after 9pm. People gathered in little groups of mutual interest. Some stayed till almost 11pm.
Friday morning several of us went on the bus ride out to the port again to look at things that had been discussed at the Summit to get a better understanding.
A little before noon our guests who were able to stay went to the American Bald Eagle Foundation for the Haines Chamber of Commerce luncheon. There our guests were able to meet and interact with many of the Haines business community. All seemed interested in how the port could help the Haines economy. During lunch we did the same format as the Summit and had our guests introduce themselves and talk about what they do. There were a few questions and answers.
Judging by the many thanks we council members got it was an overwhelming success. We want to thank all who came and made it a success. We are very grateful to the American Legion, Chamber of Commerce and American Bald Eagle Foundation.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Please Pass Along!
Please Pass Along!
“Experience Counts”
Military Service U.S. Army
Europe 1978-1979 Mechanized Infantry, Squad of the Year, 1978.
1st in Leadership at Brigade Leadership School, 1978.
Alaska Army National Guard, 1982-1986, Light Infantry.
Certificate of Completion – Military Science
1983 – 1997 City Councilman
1997 – 1999 Mayor of Haines, Alaska
(three-year term, expires, October 2015)
Please Pass Along to Every Voter!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012 11:03 AM
Please Pass Along to Every Voter!!
Co-Chair: Finance Committee
Member: Committee on Committees
Legislative Budget & Audit Committee
Legislative Council Alternate
Court System Finance Subcommittee
Government Finance Subcommittee Chair
Legislature Finance Subcommittee Chair
University of Alaska Finance Subcommittee
Majority Caucus
Bush Caucus
Veteran’s Caucus
Representative Thomas has worked hard to get where he’s at.
Representative Thomas is our VOICE in the House.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
“Community Awareness Pole”
Let’s Celebrate!
“Community Awareness Pole”
Friday, September 14th
12:00 pm
Location: 210 Willard (Sue Folletti’s place of business)
Rain Site: Haines ANB/ANS Hall
Hamburgers & hot dogs served up
Bring a side dish
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Candidate Interview
Hi All;
The second of this years Haines Borough Assembly candidate interviews will be with Jono Green at the Haines Library, Friday September 14 at 2pm.
Do join us if you can.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Candidate Interview
Our first Haines Borough Assembly Candidate interview will be held 10:30am, Friday September 14, 2012 at Haines Library. We will be interviewing Dave Berry this time. Interviews will be video recorded for later showing on Haines Cable TV. That schedule will be announced by Haines Cable TV.
Public is encouraged to participate, come join us so you can ask questions important to you.
Public is encouraged to participate, come join us so you can ask questions important to you.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Celebration of Life
Celebration of Life
Potluck Gathering for
Jeremy Hanes-Price
Sunday, September 9th, 2012
1:00 PM
Haines ANB/ANS Hall
Please come join us in sharing stories, love
and appreciation for Jeremy
Bring a dish. . . if you wish
EVERYONE welcome!
Wayne and Cherri Price
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
A Cultural Exchange
A Cultural Exchange
Local and Canadian Tribes
Tuesday, September 11th
beginning at 4:00 pm
Haines Public Library
Jolanta Ryan
Education Coordinator
Haines Borough Public Library
907-766-3830 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 907-766-3830 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Judith Mason
Communications Officer
Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority
PO Box 32237
Juneau, AK 99803
Fax 907-780-6895
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Subsistence Living in the Chilkat Valley
with Lani Hotch
Thursday, August 30th, 2012
2:00 pm
Haines Public Library
Jolanta Ryan
Education Coordinator
Haines Borough Public Library
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Memorial Service
Memorial Service
Esther Louise Hotch
“Káantá Seeyi”
February 18th, 1916 – August 18th, 2012
Friday, August 24th, 2012
Klukwan School Gym
1:00 pm
Haines ANS, Camp 5 Flea Market
There is still time to reserve a table (or two) – come and join us!
Haines ANS, Camp 5 Flea Market
and Indian Taco Sale
Saturday, August 25th, 2012
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Haines ANB / ANS Hall
Tacos at 11:00 am
Monday, August 20, 2012
“Esther Louise Cranston Hotch”
“Esther Louise Cranston Hotch”
Monday, August 20, 2012
Alaskan Memorial Park and Mortuary ~ Juneau
3:00 pm
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012
The family will keep us posted for further arrangements.
Family Members
Debbie Montgomery
Dorothy Carter
Helen “Louise” Smith
Christine Sweet
Donald “Bosh” Hotch
William “Stony” Hotch
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